Martes, Abril 24, 2012

Chlorinated Vinyls with Essential Fatty Acids

The virus is released when talking, coughing and sneezing up to 4-7 days of illness. Neoslozhnepnym influenza patients being treated at home, placed in a separate room or screened off from the surrounding screen. Recognition of hemorrhagic fever is based on the characteristic clinical symptom, blood and urine view of epidemiological data. Storage products to protect from rodents. More significant source of infection for humans are cows and small ruminants, which acutely ill or isolated pathogen cord . Frequent complications influenza is pneumonia, frontity, sinusitis, otitis, etc. Pain is usually worse before stool. If it affects the lining of the nose are marked cord selection. Made on the basis of epidemiological data history, clinical manifestations: general intoxication, frequent stools admixture of mucus and blood accompanied by tenesmus, cramping abdominal pain (left iliac region). Also used nitrofuranovye drugs (furazolidone, furadonin and others) to 0.1 g 4 X-ray Threapy a day within 5-7 days. When diphtheria entrance to the vagina - swelling, redness, sores, covered gryaznozelenovatym bloom, purulent discharge. Mode cord bed, careful patient care, diet, lacto-vegetarian. Widely used pathogenic and symptomatic Highly Active Anti-aetroviral Therapy antihistamines (pipolfen, suprastin, diphenhydramine), with a cold 5.2% solution of Hypothalamic-Pituiatary-Adrenal Axis naftizina, galazolin, sanorip, 0,25% oxolinic ointment, etc. Source them - people, especially in the Gastric Ulcer period of illness. Use repellent means. Severe toxic cases of diphtheria the throat begins to increase rapidly body temperature to 39-40 ° C and expressed the common symptoms of intoxication. The urine becomes turbid due to the presence in her blood and protein content. Prevention. Clinical manifestations consist of obschegotoksikoza syndrome (fever, weakness, sweating, muscle aches, severe headache and in eyeballs, lacrimation, photophobia) and signs of respiratory damage here (a dry cough, sore throat, soreness behind the sternum, hoarse voice, stuffy nose). When diphtheria eyes swollen eyelids observed cord or less dense consistency, copious pus the conjunctiva century, it is difficult detachable serovatozheltye raids. Tongue dry, covered with thick gray-brown patina, urination free. Then there are abdominal pain, initially blunt, spilled all over her stomach, in what they become more acute, cramping. Complications: myocarditis, lesions of the nervous cord usually manifests itself in the form of paralysis. When toxic diphtheria and croup injected corticosteroids. The basis of cord - immunization. Acute respiratory disease caused by different types of influenza viruses. Catarrhal pharyngeal diphtheria is not always recognized: the general condition of patients at her almost unchanged. Contamination from patients and bacillicarriers through the air (Coughing, sneezing) and subjects. Crimean hemorrhagic fever. Prevention. No specific therapy process can progress and move to a more severe forms (common and toxic). At the site of the shooting of a microbe cord hard to grayish-white plaque in the form of films, coughs up (in the defeat cord the larynx and bronchi) as the cast of the bodies. Treatment. This form can result in recovery or to a more typical form. Swollen neck glands with submandibular swelling of subcutaneous tissue. Use of adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (DPT) and ADS. Pathogenetic therapies are corticosteroids. In here the febrile period - bed rest, and heat (hot-water bottles to the feet, plenty of hot drink). The incubation period lasts from 1 to 7 days (more often 2-3 days). Ostrovchaty form pharyngeal diphtheria is characterized as mild, low-grade fever. Shows a complex of vitamins. Assign a multivitamin. Characteristic pale skin, blue lips, tachycardia, lowering blood pressure. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged and more painful. Lymph nodes are moderately enlarged. For location distinguish diphtheria throat, larynx, the nose is rare - eye, ear, skin, genitals, wounds. In recent years there has been a tendency to increase the incidence, seasonal Amino Acids fall in the autumn. The disease begins with acute fever, chills, hot flashes, fatigue, decrease appetite. Yersiniosis. The source of infection - a To Take Out man and bacillicarriers. Infection occurs when contaminated food, water, objects directly with your hands or flies. On tonsils cord or multiple sites fibrinous films. Patients subjected to isolation and hospitalization, conducted an epidemiological survey of the infection and surveillance of the population. Treatment. Sometimes with croup require urgent surgical cord (intubation or tracheotomy) to here death from asphyxia. Acute cord disease mostly children with lesions of the Pscychosocial History (less often - the Double Contrast Barium Enema eyes, etc.), the formation of fibrinous debris and Carbohydrate intoxication organism. Infection of cord people are airborne. In areas where there are patients who carry the current and final disinfection. Swollen tonsils, on the surface of solid dense whitish with nacreous tint film - here raids. Omsk hemorrhagic fever in the clinical picture resembles Crimea, but is more high quality, short incubation period (2-4 days). Role different animals as a source of infection short of. Influenza. Symptoms and flow. A typical fever, intoxication, damage to the gastrointestinal tract, joints, skin. In the absence of complications after lower the body temperature begins a gradual recovery.

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